Greetings Earthlings

Hey friends, families, passersby, and other fellow earthlings with the smarts to work the internet and stumble upon this website. I’ve reworked this site into something totally new. I’ve decided to forgo the movie reviews simply because I wanted to stop crapping on what people might enjoy. Art is subjective. While someone may have a blast watching the latest Transformers, I may think it’s a mind-numbing mess. I wouldn’t want someone who sees all the errors of Avengers become a negative-nancy in front of me. It’s ok if you don’t like The Avengers. I may think you’re wrong but what gives me the galls to treat you as lower because of our different taste in films. After some self-reflection, I realized that is what I was doing. So I stopped.

So, what I am doing now is 2 parts. I still have an enjoyment of stories through book, film, television and even gaming. That will be one. The other part is going deep. Things like faith, spirituality, christianity, etc will be written there. Using The Matrix as an inspiration. Blue pill is for the fun stuff and the red pill is for the rabbit holes. I’m currently writing a book, therefor there may some excerpts from that as well. I don’t know how often I will write here, but I hope to at least do one every week.

“I only offer the truth. Nothing more.”

What gave me the inspiration for this is Rachel Held Evans. After she passed, I saw the legacy she left behind and the people she impacted. Most importantly, for me anyways, was her bravery to speak out against injustice, inequality, and those who perpetrate those ideals, especially those who consider themselves of the Christian faith. I’m not trying to be another Rachel. I am only me. I’m simply a man journeying and discovering and wanting to share my findings with my fellow peers.




photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

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